Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Things I Don't Understand: Twilight

I just saw a Burger King commercial* where a group 20-something girls accosted customers about characters in the Twilight series. Their questions were rambling, annoying, and pointless. Thankfully, at the end of the ad, they asked an elderly gent if he'd rather his granddaughters date vampires or werewolves. His answer? Neither. Another great example of the true wisdom of The Greatest Generation.

*I do things other than watch television, I promise. I work. I read. I write. I even encounter other real people from time to time, I swear.

I've never actually bothered reading or watching anything related to Twilight, but s best I can tell, the popular Twilight book and now movie series focuses mainly on crafting some sappy love story around vampires and werewolves. The concept is so popular that some folks (mainly females with no jobs) are waiting in line for days to be the first to see the next movie in the series. They're treating the film with the palest actors you'll ever see like it's actually a movie that features better acting that a cardboard cutout could provide. Silly people.

The main thing I don't understand about America's obsession with Twilight is how there could suddenly be such a torrid love affair with vampires. After all, The Count from Sesame Street and Count Chocula have been around for years, yet they've never received such attention. How is it that The Count has never been featured in film? You're telling me he couldn't have improved 2 Fast 2 Furious?

Somebody get his agent (naturally, Super Grover) on the phone.

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