This iz wun uv thee most intreeging storeez I hav red in kwyt sum tym. It seemz that sum peepul feel that spelling werdz in thee English langwij (uv wich I am fawnd) iz much too diffikult; akin too nooklear fyziks or brayn surjuree. Az a reezult, such folks piketed the Nashunal Spelling Bee. After all, piketing alwayz werkz.
Thoz wayving synz argyoo that if all werdz wer spelled fonetikalee, illiteracee raytz wuld plummet and mor Amerikanz wuld then kwalify for good jawbz.
Just imajin, akording too theez folks, if wee all spelt just lyk ths, thee wurld wuld bee a better plays. Nacherallee, the best way for theez kunsiderayt indivijooalz too illustrayt this noshun waz by attempting too overshadow an eevent that kuld bee kunsiderd wun ov the top momentz in thee lyvs uv sum yung peepul. How kynd.
I am nawt sher how yoo feel abowt this hol ideea, but, franklee, it hertz my hed.
Thoz wayving synz argyoo that if all werdz wer spelled fonetikalee, illiteracee raytz wuld plummet and mor Amerikanz wuld then kwalify for good jawbz.
Just imajin, akording too theez folks, if wee all spelt just lyk ths, thee wurld wuld bee a better plays. Nacherallee, the best way for theez kunsiderayt indivijooalz too illustrayt this noshun waz by attempting too overshadow an eevent that kuld bee kunsiderd wun ov the top momentz in thee lyvs uv sum yung peepul. How kynd.
I am nawt sher how yoo feel abowt this hol ideea, but, franklee, it hertz my hed.
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