Friday, June 06, 2008

ABCDEFG... (continue at your own pace)

Quick, stop what you're doing.

Okay, wait, don't take that too literally (I guess if you had, you wouldn't be reading this far... This is far too much thinking this early in the writing), but be prepared to follow these instructions. You need to open up a new web window of this blog page*, and then click the "Next Blog>>" link found at the top of the page.

*Why open a new window? Because you certainly don't want to tear yourself away from The Writings?

Anyway, after clicking the "Next Blog>>" button, where were you taken? A site created by a girl that is basically an online apology to a guy we can only assume is now an EX-boyfriend**?

**Believe it or not, that blog is not titled "I'm a Little Floozy." ... Maybe I should e-mail that suggestion in.

Perhaps you traversed through this web that spans the world to a blog housing a photo collection of people looking less-than-thrilled to be learning about building computers. It could be that you even found a blog written entirely in a language you do not comprehend, let alone recognize, but that contains pictures that you can craft your own hilarious captions to in your head*** (no? That's just me?).

*** Also known as "the jackpot."

It turns out that this link found at the top of the page is a bit like the Orchid Station from the world of Lost****. Clicking it is "dangerous and unpredictable. It's a measure of last resort." While the Orchid moves an entire island through space and/or time, this link moves your browser through cyberspace and wastes your time. Frankly, I'm surprised at where I end up every time I click that random link. I am probably enjoying this a little too much.

****I realize several of you may not watch Lost... Yeah, I certainly never go off on tangents that others don't understand.

It also turns out that most people out there who have blogs also have themes for their blogs. It may be a family photo blog, a gadget review blog, or something used to sell clothes, but it seems like most other blogs out there have a particular reason for being online in the first place.

... Then there's The Writings, which exist to... uh...

... Well...

... ("think, Derek, think.... Entertain?... No, they certainly won't buy that... Serve the greater good?... Nope, that doesn't really make sense... Provide the best cornbread recipes west of the Mississippi?.... Ugh... Wait, I've got it!)...

The Writings, a blog that exists to combat illiteracy. Remember, if you can read this, you aren't illiterate.

I'm just trying to do my part.

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