Sunday, May 16, 2010

G.I. D'oh

I caught a bit of the recent G.I. Joe motion picture on television tonight. Unfortunately, the film was about as entertaining as looking at a store-packaged action figure of Snake Eyes. I had hoped that Hollywood could make a film on the subject that would prove at least as entertaining as the time spent blowing up such action figures with Black Cats as a kid. Alas, such hopes went unfulfilled.

What makes the movie so poor? It's tough to pin such fallacies one one particular thing, but the fact that we're supposed to believe Marlon Wayans, of White Chicks and Little Man fame*, is some sort of super soldier is a good start.

*"Fame" is an awkward word to use there... Does it have an idiot cousin?

Having struck out with G.I. Joe, I'm now stuck watching the final film of the Indiana Jones series... Unfortunately, does not hold a bullwhip to the rest of the Indy films. As a result, I'm stuck needing something to cleanse my video pallet... This should do the trick:

Chris Farley - French Fries

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