Typically, when one calls a publicly advertised number for a hotel, they expect to get the front desk. Today, I got a woman's cell phone.
Typically, when a hotel employee takes your call, they are near a computer so that they can easily look up reservation information. Today, the employee was on the second floor; far from her front desk computer.
Typically, in such cases, the employee might take down your phone number and volunteer to call you back once she has returned to her computer and is ready to handle data entry. Today, the woman said "wait a minute" and began walking.
Typically, someone in my position would be able to get on with other tasks while the hotel employee returned to her work area, knowing that a return call would be coming soon. Today, I overheard the clip-clap of every step she took as she walked down the hall, down some stairs, and to her workspace.
Sure, the end result was the same: the rooms I needed to book were booked. Nevertheless, I can't help feeling discouraged that I'll never get back those three minutes I spent listening to a woman's footsteps. Maybe technology isn't so great.*
*The irony of saying technology isn't great - despite the fact that: 1. I'm typing this on a computer that fits on my lap and 2. with the click of a button I'll "post" it to a "website" that can be immediately read by anyone in the world - is fully realized and appreciated.

Typically, when a hotel employee takes your call, they are near a computer so that they can easily look up reservation information. Today, the employee was on the second floor; far from her front desk computer.
Typically, in such cases, the employee might take down your phone number and volunteer to call you back once she has returned to her computer and is ready to handle data entry. Today, the woman said "wait a minute" and began walking.
Typically, someone in my position would be able to get on with other tasks while the hotel employee returned to her work area, knowing that a return call would be coming soon. Today, I overheard the clip-clap of every step she took as she walked down the hall, down some stairs, and to her workspace.
Sure, the end result was the same: the rooms I needed to book were booked. Nevertheless, I can't help feeling discouraged that I'll never get back those three minutes I spent listening to a woman's footsteps. Maybe technology isn't so great.*
*The irony of saying technology isn't great - despite the fact that: 1. I'm typing this on a computer that fits on my lap and 2. with the click of a button I'll "post" it to a "website" that can be immediately read by anyone in the world - is fully realized and appreciated.

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