Thursday, July 02, 2009

Thought for the Day/Week

Sure, you may not like where you currently sit in life. You may dread heading off to work each morning. You might even seriously consider checking for good prices on bindles so you can prepare for life as a hobo.

You may feel like nothing is going your way at all.

If such is the case, remember one thing: At least you still have Internet access.*

*Disclaimer: This may not apply if you are reading a printed version of this blog... If such is the case, at least you can read.**

**Disclaimer: This may not apply if this is being read to you... If such is the case, at least you can hear.***

***Disclaimer: This may not apply if the words of this blog are being conveyed to you from a friend/family member via a series of blinks... If such is the case, at least you can see.****

****Disclaimer: This may not apply if... well, I'll leave the reasoning up to you... If such is the case, you have probably realized by now that the point of this whole exercise is that there's always something you should be thankful for.*****

***** The Writings: At least the author can put together complete sentences... Most of the time. 

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