This Writing is getting a late start. As a result, I have little time to write before my head drops wearily onto my keyboard as my mind shuts down completely. To make up for the lack of words on my end, I'm giving you the opportunity to add some on yours. What follows are discussion points. Review them. Contemplate them. Respond to them. (Or just ignore them... Who am I to tell you what to do?)
- I attended a "roundtable" discussion today. Alas, the table we all sat at was not round. How am I supposed to concentrate on the topic at hand when such a glaring case of false advertising is present? Do I have the right to pursue legal action?
- The hot topic this week has been the swine flu. Is it me, or, by calling it the swine flu, are we adding insult to illness?
- A popular question is, "Which came first - the chicken or the egg?" Where's the love for the other animals that hatch from eggs? Can't we replace "chicken" with "turtle" or "fish" now and then?
- Much recent discussion is also surrounding the president's first 100 days in office. The media is quick to examine what has gone right, what has gone wrong, and what has gone to that large gray area in between. What's the most significant thing you've accomplished over the last 100 days? For that matter, what's the most significant thing I've accomplished over the last 100 days? Can I even remember 100 days ago?
- I plan on attending K-State's spring football game on Saturday - a game that will feature more dives than a synchronized Olympic event that involves plummeting into a pool. A football game lasts 60 minutes and contains 4 quarters of action. Will the combined scored of the two scrimmage squads be closer to 60 or 4?

- I attended a "roundtable" discussion today. Alas, the table we all sat at was not round. How am I supposed to concentrate on the topic at hand when such a glaring case of false advertising is present? Do I have the right to pursue legal action?
- The hot topic this week has been the swine flu. Is it me, or, by calling it the swine flu, are we adding insult to illness?
- A popular question is, "Which came first - the chicken or the egg?" Where's the love for the other animals that hatch from eggs? Can't we replace "chicken" with "turtle" or "fish" now and then?
- Much recent discussion is also surrounding the president's first 100 days in office. The media is quick to examine what has gone right, what has gone wrong, and what has gone to that large gray area in between. What's the most significant thing you've accomplished over the last 100 days? For that matter, what's the most significant thing I've accomplished over the last 100 days? Can I even remember 100 days ago?
- I plan on attending K-State's spring football game on Saturday - a game that will feature more dives than a synchronized Olympic event that involves plummeting into a pool. A football game lasts 60 minutes and contains 4 quarters of action. Will the combined scored of the two scrimmage squads be closer to 60 or 4?

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